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Report unwanted user content

Last update: 15.04.2024

Users of the platform can report comments they consider inappropriate.

What does this look like from the user's perspective?

Sections and places on the platform where a user can leave a complaint:

  • News

  • My feed

  • Media library

  • Training programs (discussions within each program)

What happens after a user submits a complaint?
If your platform has the “Technical Support” module enabled, within which your corporate email is indicated, where any user of the platform can write, then a letter of complaint will be sent to this email.

If the email is not specified, our technical support will receive the email and forward it to the responsible contact person on your platform.

Example of a letter of complaint.

The complaint letter will contain the following information:

learning_programs - the section in which the material where the complaint was left is located. 6474 - Material ID

comment id: 8600 - Comment ID, which can be viewed directly in the material settings (Training programs in this example).

Also, the letter with the complaint will contain the details of the user who left the complaint.

Once you determine which comment has been reported, you can decide whether to remove that comment or not.

The user who left the complaint will no longer see this comment, however, it will be displayed to other users if the platform administrator decides not to delete it.

Exception: The functionality is being finalized regarding sending information about a complaint in the “Manager’s Feed” section.

At the current time, incomplete information is received from this section, which does not allow us to determine the comment about which the complaint was left.

Letters with complaints from other sections arrive correctly and contain all the necessary information to identify the comment.

If you did not have enough information, please give feedback using the link: Suggestions for improving articles.

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