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Enabling and disabling Push notifications by the administrator

Last update: 15.04.2024

The administrator can independently regulate the sending or prohibition of sending Push notifications about the appointment of new material.

This setting appears if notifications about new material in the section are enabled (upon request to technical support).

A switch appears in the header of the material, which controls the notification.


List of sections that have this function:
Learning Journeys
Media library
Knowledge base - setting up the material
Knowledge Base - configuring the HTML catalog
of Prof. tests - Tests
In the event setup, a switch appears in the header that controls the notification "A new event is available".

After turning on or off notifications, be sure to press the "Save" button

When the corresponding notifications are disabled in the company settings (upon request to technical support), the switch in the header of the material ceases to be displayed, while its last state is remembered.
When you re-enable notifications in the company settings (upon request to technical support), the switch appears again in the last saved value.

The switch control is available in any material status: "Hidden" / "Active".

Thus, when activating the material, in order to determine whether or not to send a notification, the system looks not only at the settings in the company, but also at the settings of the materials.

If notifications are enabled both in the company settings (upon request to technical support) and in the header of materials (listed sections), the notification will be sent.

If notifications are enabled both in the company settings (upon request to technical support) and in the header of materials. At the same time, a deferred publication is configured (for example, programs), then notifications will be sent when the status changes to "Active".

If notifications are disabled at least somewhere, the notification will not be sent.

When enabling notifications in the "Active" status, notifications will not go to users who have already been assigned material (before enabling notifications), notifications will be sent to new users who will be assigned material after enabling notifications.


We will analyze this item in more detail:
For example, we want to make adjustments to an existing training program. To do this, it must be hidden. But upon completion of adjustments, we do not want to send push messages to employees (who had access to the program) when reactivating the material. However, new employees who will then get access to this program need Push notifications.
Since we can control the switch and in the hidden and active state we can act like this:
1. The program was hidden.
2. Made adjustments.
3. Turned off notifications in the header of the material.
4. Made the program active. Now everyone to whom the program was available has not received a push for it now.
5. And after activation, enable notifications in the header of the material. Now everyone who gets access to this program will receive a Push notification.

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