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Filtering groups

Last update: 17.03.2024

In the additional navigation area, on the screens where filtering by groups is available, the Filter by Groups component is located.


The filter by groups has several states:

Nothing is selected (by default) - the main part displays all the content, as in the case of selecting all groups.


At least one group value is selected.


More than 33 groups were selected. By clicking on the "cross", the filtering will be reset, and the status will be displayed with the filter icon and the text "Select groups".


Note: Groups of the city type are associated with regions, so when the selected filter is displayed for cities and regions, the number of selected checkboxes is summed up.

To filter, click on the group filter component.

You can select all groups of each type at once, or expand the group trees and select specific groups.

If there are more than 50 groups in the tree branch, click Show More to load 50 more elements.

When you click on the Only selected radio button, only the selected groups, their parent and child groups will be displayed.

Note: Within a single tree, all the selected values have a logical OR union, there is a logical AND between the trees. For example, a filter by (region = "Moscow" OR "St. Petersburg") And (position = "Accountant" OR "Salesman").

To find the desired group, use the search bar at the top of the form. After entering the search query, press the Enter button on the keyboard. The search results will display the parent groups of the found group, the found groups and their children that fall under the search query.

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